Saturday, June 11, 2011


The silence of night stole my sleep!
it was a little time before
my eyes wrapped with sleep
and i went to bed
but this silence stole my sleep...

here,there is a lot to befriend me
these twinkling stars,cloudless sky and this half moon...
but i now only wishes to break this silence
because i want to sleep!!
I am scared to close my eyes
A fear that whether i can stand the truth or not..
even if its just a nightmare,
i can't see my dream losing...

maybe its going to shower happiness
but it can't keep my smile
because i'm not sure 

The silence is pinning in my wound
deep and deep it goes
nothing but,
steals my sense of pain and leaving numbnesss in the heart...
and i'm wrecked

i would stand in the fire
walk through throne paths
will do whatever
but i want this silence to break
because i want some sleep...
it's making me weak
hurting than anything
my ears are panic to this song of silence
eyes waiting to slip to sleep
my throat dry frightened by this silence
i want to break this silence
and want to sleep!!
Just break this silence...

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