Tuesday, October 25, 2011


one more diwali  eve
this year,the night with no fireworks
no gathering,no laughter
and no one along.
loved those nights with memories
where it blow like a blast
with all the dear ones near.
the nights:bright;colorful;noisy
it's still alive in a corner of the heart,
still  in the back of my eyes.
loved those moments!!
more loved was the 'halwas',
which we all used to share
and those gifts!
Then didn't bothered to see around,
the real beauty of the night.
only saw my happiness all there
but today it's not..
       It feels great to hear the blasting
       with closed eyes
       and screening many faces 
       some unknown
       who may have celebrating diwali
       from a far long.
       it's great to see them living
       it's great to hold up in the world
       it's great to have a family
       it's great to have someone near
They are adorable,
i'm saying you.
they are living
and it worth!!
It gives more pleasure
than the other diwalis.
feels something special
it's good to see people happy
maybe it's what 'celebrations' meant to.
Even it's different,
it makes much more special to me
with no fire-works no laughter
and all by myself here in this room.
 the joy,the pleasure,the warmth of happiness
 is not the trace of my own happiness this time
 today, it's through those one who is happy,
 which comes over the nostalgia for the past years..



 (to all those who couldn't say their love)

If i was an artist
you would be in my canvas.
with gentle moves of the brush
with lot colors.
and that would have said you,
what you mean to me.

If i was a poet
you would be in my ink.
with smooth flows through the words
with lot passion.
and that would have said you,
how much you mean to me.

If i was a speaker
you would be in my language
with the modest veracity
with lot expression.
that would have said you,
why you mean much to me.

But i'm just a dreamer
with no canvas,pen or language enough
to make you feel my love.
It never fails to say me
which it couldn't tell you...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I am smiling

'Years passes..people changes..but still the love remains'
 i wish if it was so
 but i know its not
 sometimes we miss ourselves somewhere...
 i wish our life is just like Keats' 'On a Grecian Urn'
 Which preserves the beauty..dat love...
 never changing
 i wish...
 but i know..it cant be...
 few seconds...my nights were spoiled
 yeah..love is for the whole life for me
 what happened..dont know ...for good or bad
 but i know
 i'm smiling!!


Saturday, June 11, 2011


The silence of night stole my sleep!
it was a little time before
my eyes wrapped with sleep
and i went to bed
but this silence stole my sleep...

here,there is a lot to befriend me
these twinkling stars,cloudless sky and this half moon...
but i now only wishes to break this silence
because i want to sleep!!
I am scared to close my eyes
A fear that whether i can stand the truth or not..
even if its just a nightmare,
i can't see my dream losing...

maybe its going to shower happiness
but it can't keep my smile
because i'm not sure 

The silence is pinning in my wound
deep and deep it goes
nothing but,
steals my sense of pain and leaving numbnesss in the heart...
and i'm wrecked

i would stand in the fire
walk through throne paths
will do whatever
but i want this silence to break
because i want some sleep...
it's making me weak
hurting than anything
my ears are panic to this song of silence
eyes waiting to slip to sleep
my throat dry frightened by this silence
i want to break this silence
and want to sleep!!
Just break this silence...

Friday, March 18, 2011


Someone murmured in her ears
"someone loves you the most"
it didn't sounded strong though,she said
but words strike direct to the heart
But i tried to say the heart a lot
Not to trust a weak voice of words
But the heart didn't gave me the ears!

Now its' just me beside her.
I was known,
Words are candles
Which can't stand fire.
Fire of heart
burnt those words
so the promises
thus the love!
I was known
its' going to hurt..
but i couldn't do anything...

Saturday, January 15, 2011


We fight with the world
From the second we born
But a second to the past
Let everything gone,
But still we are on bond.
   Wished something,gained something else
   Learnt with the time,to love we gained
   But life plays again with us
   By taking away all we gained.
But still, we are striving to live
Nothing can stop it till the last breath
We yearn more span to live
to live a life more in Earth.
   Striving for something
   Without any gain
   But keep hopes in vain
   Till the blood flows in vein!!
A soul strives for a foul,
A call awaits the soil
But the mortal world
Again strives for life!!!